This is the sixth summary we publish that reports the amount of traffic passing through our servers, uptime and traffic spikes.
We had no planned downtime in March and no server experienced any operational problems. However, our website went down 20 minutes on March 28, causing connection problems for people during that time.
On March 13, we launched four new servers in Malmö. These servers will not be included in the summary as they were not in production for the entire month. On the 31st of March our old server in Malmö (VPN01) was permanently taken out of production, which means that the migration from Excellent Hosting to Bredband2 is complete. VPN01 is included in the summary since the server was in production all of March.
VPN01 - Malmö
Traffic (Mbit/s)

VPN01 encrypted and anonymized a total of 43,130 GB (42.12 TB) traffic. That's a decrease from the previous month since we redirected users to use the new VPN01 instead.
On March 13th we updated the DNS settings for to the new IP address.
Peak traffic was at 707 Mbps, which is 69.0% of maximum capacity.
95th percentile was 377 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN01 was below 36.9% of maximum capacity.
VPN01 had an uptime of 100% during March. This server was decommissioned on March 31st. All future summaries will discuss the new VPN01 available in the Marinen Malmö.
VPN02 - Stockholm
Traffic (Mbit/s)

VPN02 encrypted and anonymized a total of 80 103 GB (78.23 TB) traffic. That's an increase of 2,370 GB from the previous month.
Peak traffic was at 816 Mbps, which is 57.3% of the maximum capacity.
95th percentile was 449 Mbps, meaning that 95 percent of the time VPN02 was below 31.5% of maximum capacity.
VPN02 had an uptime of 100% during March.
VPN03 - Stockholm
Traffic (Mbit/s)

VPN03 encrypted and anonymized a total of 90 133 GB (88.02 TB) traffic. That's an increase of 21,912 GB from the previous month.
Peak traffic was at 833 Mbps, which is 58.5% of maximum capacity.
95th percentile was 479 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN03 was below 33.7% of maximum capacity.
VPN03 had an uptime of 100% during March.
VPN04 - Stockholm
Traffic (Mbit/s)

VPN04 encrypted and anonymized a total of 86,040 GB (84.02 TB) traffic. That's an increase of 9,507 GB from the previous month.
Peak traffic was at 903 Mbps, which is 63.4% of the maximum capacity.
95th percentile was 463 Mbps, meaning that 95 percent of the time VPN04 was below 32.5% of maximum capacity.
VPN04 had an uptime of 100% during March.
VPN05 - Stockholm
Traffic (Mbit/s)

VPN05 encrypted and anonymized a total of 10,182 GB (9.94 TB) traffic. That's an increase of 2,650 GB from the previous month.
Peak traffic was at 283 Mbps, which is 19.9% of maximum capacity.
95th percentile was 108 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN05 was below 7.6% of maximum capacity.
VPN05 had an uptime of 99.98% in March.
WEB01 - Falun
Uptime (%)

WEB01 had an uptime of 99.94% in March, resulting in a total downtime of 24 minutes.
SQL01 - Falun
Uptime (%)

SQL01 had an uptime of 99.998% in March, resulting in a total downtime of 1 minute.
SQL02 - Falkenberg
Uptime (%)

SQL02 had an uptime of 100% in March, meaning no downtime occurred at all.
We managed to maintain an uptime of at least 99.5%. The volume of traffic increased very much in March - but since much of that traffic was handled by our new servers in Malmö, it is not that visible in the information above.
OVPN has grown rapidly but March takes all records. OVPN has over 1800 customers as of this writing. It is very clear that our great focus on transparency and security is appreciated and that OVPN is a very competitive VPN provider.
Although OVPN grew so much in March, we have a lot of capacity left to bring in new customers while ensuring high speeds for our current customers. We are able to manage and encrypt 20 Gbps at present - although we usually only use between 1 to 2 Gbps.
We currently have eight servers in operation and we are already planning expansions to more cities in Sweden. Our biggest priority today is to place four servers in Gothenburg and afterwards place four servers in Umeå.
Our hope is to expand to Gothenburg & Umeå in 2015 so that we can provide even faster connections for people who do not live near Malmö or Stockholm.