The majority of consumer routers are too weak to handle the encryption algorithm that we provide.
If you wish to get better internet speed than 10-20 Mbit/s, we recommend the Vilfo's VPN router.
First, connect to LUCI (the interface on your router) by going through your browser. By default, your router should have the IP address
Login as root using your normal password for the router. Navigate to System → Software and click on Update lists
Under Download and install package, search for luci-app-openvpn and openvpn-openssl. Press OK on each of them to download and install them.
Your privacy and security is the core focus of OVPN. That's why we've implemented a multi-layered security model.
Learn moreNavigate to VPN → OpenVPN.
Under OVPN Configuration file upload, enter OVPN as Instance name, and select the configuration file you downloaded in Step 1 of this guide. Click Upload.
On the newly-created OpenVPN configuration, click Edit.
In the text field at the bottom, insert your OVPN credentials. Enter your username on the first line and your password on the second line.
Click Save
Click Save & Apply
Navigate to Networking → Interfaces. Click on Add new interface.
Enter OVPN as the name and select Unmanaged.
In the Interface field, select -- custom -- and enter tun0. Click Enter.
Click Create interface.
Click Edit on the newly-created interface OVPN.
Under General Settings, make sure Bring up on boot is selected.
Under Advanced Settings, make sure Use built-in IPv6-management is selected.
Under Firewall Settings, click on unspecified and select -- custom --. Enter the name ovpn_fw and press Enter. Then press Save.
Navigate to Networking → Firewall. Find ovpn_fw in the list of interfaces and click on Edit.
Make sure the settings are as followed:
Click Save & Apply
Navigate to VPN → OpenVPN.
Connect to OVPN
After a few seconds connection should be established. If you successfully connected to the server, you should see the following:
You should now be connected to OVPN and be able to browse the internet safely. To make sure everything was set up correctly, please check the dashboard to verify that you are connected.
In case the connection was not set up properly when you verified it in the previous step, please send us the OpenVPN log so we can assist. You can retrieve it by writing:
sudo -i
cat /tmp/openvpn.log
You can also check if OpenVPN is running properly by writing:
ps aux | grep openvpn