OVPN aims to be as transparent as possible towards our customers. Therefore we decided to account not only for the amount of traffic that passes through our servers each month, but also for the uptime and traffic peaks of each server.
Previously we have summarized October, which means that this is the second summary we make.
Since this summary was published quite late, there will be another December summary in about a week's time.
VPN01 - Malmö
Traffic spikes (Mbit/s)

VPN01 encrypted and anonymized a total of 28 230 GB (27.6 TB) traffic.
Peak traffic for VPN01 was at 557 Mbps, which is 54.4% of maximum capacity.
95th percentile was only at 206 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN01 was below 20.1% of maximum capacity.
VPN01 had an uptime of 99.96% during November.
VPN02 - Stockholm
Traffic spikes (Mbit/s)

In November, VPN02 encrypted and anonymized a total of 27 205 GB (26.6 TB) traffic.
Peak traffic for VPN02 was at 553 Mbps, which is 38.8% of the maximum capacity of 1.4 Gbps.
95th percentile was 216 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN02 was below 15.2% of maximum capacity.
VPN02 had an uptime of 99.6% during November.
VPN03 - Stockholm
Traffic spikes (Mbit/s)

In November, VPN03 encrypted and anonymized a total of 32 398 GB (31.6 TB) traffic.
Peak traffic for VPN03 was at 741 Mbps, which is 52% of the maximum capacity of 1.4 Gbps.
95th percentile was 235 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN03 was below 16.5% of maximum capacity.
VPN03 had an uptime of 99.9% during November.
VPN04 - Stockholm
Traffic spikes (Mbit/s)

In November, VPN04 encrypted and anonymized a total of 31 561 GB (30.8 TB) of traffic.
Peak traffic for VPN04 was at 490 Mbps, which is 34.4% of the maximum capacity of 1.4 Gbps.
95th percentile was 220 Mbps, which means that 95 percent of the time VPN04 was below 15.4% of maximum capacity.
VPN04 had an uptime of 99.9% during November.
WEB01 - Falun
Uptime (%)

We had some downtime with WEB01 in November, but we managed to have an uptime of 99.81% which means the downtime was a total of 82 minutes.
SQL01 - Falun
Uptime (%)

We had some very short operational disruptions with SQL01 during November, resulting in an uptime of 99.98% . Thus, the downtime for SQL01 in November was 7 minutes.
Since the down time was so short, you do not notice it in the graph above because the graph contains 43 120 data points, of which only 7 had a Y value of 0.
SQL02 - Falkenberg
Uptime (%)

SQL02, just like SQL01, had an uptime of 99.98% in November, but had a downtime of 8 minutes instead of 7 that SQL01 had.
Since the down time was so short, you do not notice it in the graph above because the graph contains 43 120 data points, of which only 8 had a Y value of 0.
During November, we managed to maintain an uptime of at least 99.5%. It is also clear that during November we were not close to our maximum capacity, which means that we have a lot of room to take in new customers, but also to ensure high speeds for our current customers.
In addition to being able to deliver fast speeds, we also have very strong physical security in Stockholm. In March, we will strengthen physical security in Malmö, and then we'll also have the opportunity to offer Multihop.