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New version of client (OpenSSL patch)

David Wibergh, about Announcements

We have released a new version of the client for OS X, Windows and Ubuntu (v1.1.2.456). We were forced to release a hotfix, which means that we haven't included all desired functionality - but we had to release a new version that patches the latest OpenSSL vulnerabilities that were announced May 3rd.

The biggest change in the client is therefore an updated version of OpenSSL, and we strongly recommend to update the client as soon as possible since the previous versions are no longer secure. All VPN services and VPN clients have been affected by the latest OpenSSL vulnerabilities, which meant that we needed to release a patched version quickly - even though we couldn't include all desired functionality.

The next release of the client will have numerous improvements, a couple of them are support for TCP on port 443, improved icons as well as some new functionality.

David Wibergh