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Test the beta of the new OVPN client (1.1.4)

David Wibergh, about Announcements

Update: The beta version was released as an official version on October 28th 2016.

Today we are happy to announce a public beta test of the new OVPN client for Windows, OS X and Ubuntu. We are more than grateful to anyone who wants to test the client and ask you to get back to us with feedback and reports of any issues you might encounter. Your feedback will help us reach a sharp release quicker! More instructions on the testing procedures and where to send your feedback can be found below.

Links for downloading the beta version

Ubuntu (32bit):
Ubuntu (64bit):

Release notes

Below you'll find a few of the most important improvements in the new version:

  1. Overall improved performance and stability
  2. The killswitch does not longer get stuck on unexpected shutdown
  3. DNS leak settings do not longer get stuck on unexpected shutdown
  4. The client reconnects after the computer has been in sleep mode
  5. Local Wi-fi-services such as printers and scanners are not blocked when connected to the client
  6. OpenVPN has been updated
  7. DNScrypt has been updated
  8. OpenSSL has been updated
  9. The activity field icons / tray icons now change color when the client is connected
  10. Account creation can be done via the client
  11. Improved error messages

Installation instructions for Windows

  1. Download the client and place it on your desktop
  2. Open the command prompt and type: cd Desktop
  3. Then run: OVPN.exe -l output.txt
  4. The client will now install normally. When finished, two log files should have been generated on your desktop. Please send those to with the subject line: "Beta test"
  5. Continue with the general testing procedure below

Testing procedure

Without DNScrypt

  1. Sign in and go to the "Settings" tab
  2. Make sure that "Activate DNScrypt" is unchecked
  3. Now, go to the "Connection" tab and choose: "Choose server manually". Pick any server in the sub menu. Then press "Connect"
  4. Wait and make sure the client connects and then log in to and go to the dashboard. Check that the top bar says: “You’re connected” and that you don’t have any DNS leaks

With DNScrypt

  1. Disconnect and go to the "Settings" tab
  2. This time, make sure to check "Activate DNScrypt"
  3. Go back to the "Connection"-tab and press "Connect"
  4. Wait and make sure the client connects and then log in to and go to dashboard again. Check that the top bar says you are connected and that you don’t have any DNS leaks

Reconnecting after sleep mode

  1. Go to settings and make sure "Connect to OVPN when client starts" is checked
  2. Now, set your computer in sleep mode while the client is still connected
  3. Wake the computer and make sure the client reconnects shortly after


Your feedback is wanted, wheter it is good or bad! Regardless if everything works fine or if you encounter any issues we want you to contact us and tell us about your experience. If you encounter issues we also want you to attach your log files, which can be found in the directories, stated below. Please send your feedback and potential log files to: with subject line: "beta"

Directories for the log files:

OS X: "~/Library/Application Support/OVPN" or "/Library/Application Support/OVPN"
Windows: "C:/Users//AppData/Local/OVPN" or "C:/ProgramData/OVPN"
Ubuntu:"~/.local/share/OVPN" eller "/usr/local/share/OVPN" or "/usr/share/OVPN"

David Wibergh