
Special Offer: Save $144.12 on our annual subscription & new desktop client available

David Wibergh, about Announcements

On Thursday the 13th of April we migrated the website to our new domain: As mentioned in our blog post about OVPN in 2017, we are focusing more heavily on expanding internationally and we are convinced that changing our domain name will be an important step in helping us increase our presence and legitimacy. If you have previously linked to our old domain, we kindly ask that you update to reflect our new domain at

On the front-end, the website looks almost the same with the exception that has been switched out to in content and logos. Under the hood, however, a lot has been changed. As you have probably already noticed, any URL you enter into your browser redirects you to the corresponding page on

The same goes for all API requests being sent to which has allowed us to keep the desktop client and all configuration files fully functional without requiring users to update anything. In the near future, we'll release updates that will gradually move all products to use the new domain fully. The old configuration files are still fully functional but we encourage all users to update to the new configuration files as soon as possible. The new files can be found be found for each operating system guide.

Desktop client v1.1.8 available for download

The desktop client v1.1.8 is now released for public download. The v1.1.8 update brings both functional and esthetic updates related to the domain change as well as increased stability. We ask you to report your feedback and any encountered issues to with the subject line "Client v1.1.8".

Release notes desktop client v1.1.8

  • All API requests are now sent to as root domain.
  • OpenVPN update to 2.4.1 (Ubuntu & OS X)
  • Fixed bug that sometimes engaged the killswitch incorrectly (Windows)
  • Desktop icon added (Windows)
  • Fixed missing application logo (Ubuntu)
  • Replaced '' with '' in codebase and user interface
  • Added a UI message to notify users to uninstall previously installed version
  • Prevent subscription renewal messages to be viewed when automatic renewal is activated

Install on Windows

  1. Download OVPN.exe
  2. Double-click the installation file
  3. Go through the installation steps
  4. Run OVPN via the start menu and connect

Install on OS X
You do not need to uninstall an older version if you already have one installed.

  1. Download
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Double-click the installation file
  4. Go through the installation steps
  5. Run OVPN and connect

Install on Ubuntu(64bit)
You do not need to uninstall an older version if you already have one installed.

  1. Download
  2. Via the terminal/CLI type: cd /path/to/
  3. Then via terminal/CLI type: sudo chmod +x && sudo ./
  4. Go through the installation steps
  5. Run OVPN and connect

OpenVPN update on servers

Unrelated to the domain change, all VPN servers were updated to OpenVPN 2.4.1 on Thursday morning last week. The update to OpenVPN 2.4.1 brings a whole lot of opportunities and coming functionality that we will gradually start implementing. Some of the most important and immediate changes you will notice in the near future are:

Support for LZ4

OpenVPN 2.4.1 includes support for LZ4, which is an improvement over LZO that we currently use. In the future, we will push LZ4 by default, but will also include backward compatibility with LZO for devices that do not yet support LZ4. We will also include the option to not use LZO or LZ4 for devices that do not support either.

Multi-cipher support

The servers now have support for several ciphers to be run simultaneously. When this is updated we will provide new configuration files to reflect these changes. Using the new configuration files, the client will use AES-256-GCM when possible but will default to AES-256-CGCM if the device does not support AES-256-GCM.

As we previously mentioned, using AES-256-GCM over AES-256-GCM will likely result in better bandwidth, especially on weaker devices like routers and phones.

push-peer-info support

The servers now have support for additional parameters to be pushed to/from the server. This opens up a lot of interesting possibilities, such as multiple Public IPv4s per account and different security settings depending on device capabilities. More information regarding possibilities and integrations will be published at a later stage.

David Wibergh