OVPN is a service provided and developed by OVPN Integritet AB (556999-4469). OVPN Integritet AB is registered in Sweden and will henceforth be referred to as "We", "Us", "Our" and "OVPN".
OVPN is the privacy friendly VPN provider. As such, our entire infrastructure is built with privacy & security as the core principles. OVPN does not log any activity when connected to our VPN service. Therefore, we do not know who is connected to our service, what they are doing or when they are doing it. Nothing can be connected to an account:
We own every single server used to run our service. All VPN servers run without any hard drives - instead we use tmpfs storage in RAM. Writing permissions for the OpenVPN processes have been removed, as well as syslogs. Our VPN servers do not support physical console access, keyboard access nor usb access.
OVPN can not provide any activity information or logs about users if a court order was issued asking us to provide that information. As previously mentioned, no information about what our users do when connected is stored.
The only information we would be able to provide would be account information detailed further below as well as the method of payment. However, it requires that the court order is for a specific person and that the authorities want to verify if that person has a user account with us. We have not provided any information about our users to any government entities.
Our website runs on a physical machine that we own and is located in our Stockholm datacenter. We use the following third-party services:
Matomo (previously named Piwik): Matomo is included so we can measure how users interact with the website and to find areas of improvement. All IP addresses are anonymized.
Intercom: Intercom is a support system which we use to offer support to our users. User account information is shared to Intercom in order to handle support requests satisfactory.
Mailgun & Postmark: Mailgun & Postmark are used to send emails.
Braintree: We use Braintree which is PCI DSS certified as our credit card solution provider. No payment information is stored with us.
Swish Merchant: For people in Sweden we offer Swish as a payment method.
CoinPayments: CoinPayments is used for crypto payments.
We also use reporting tools from Google to measure ad efficiency. These reporting tools are only loaded for visitors who came through one of these channels.
The following cookies may be saved on users devices when visiting OVPN.com.
During account registration, users must supply a desired username and a password. While we recommend our users to provide an email address, it is entirely optional. The email address is used for events such as account recovery in case of a forgotten password, to send upcoming billing notifications, receipts after payments as well as an optional newsletter about our service.
We store the following data for each account:
"username": "example",
"password": "7crGpGcIF8K9QvpMhi5xrXIna1uG6lZ6",
"email": "example@example.com",
"created_at": "2018-01-01 00:00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-04-01 00:00:00",
"newsletter": 0,
"has_authenticated": 1,
"has_connected": 1,
"has_ipv6": 1,
"compression": 1,
"streaming": 0,
"language": "sv",
"currency": "SEK",
"country": "se",
"devices": 0,
"campaign": null,
"subscription": "2019-04-01 00:00:00",
"ipv4": null,
"multihop": null,
"client_version": "",
"extension_version": null
Below is an explanation of each field.
username: the username that was specified during account registration.
password: the password that was specified during account registration is stored hashed.
email: the email address that was specified during account registration.
created_at: timestamp rounded to the nearest hour of when the account was created.
updated_at: timestamp of when the account information was last updated (for example, when making a new payment).
newsletter: 0 or 1. If user is subscribed to our newsletter.
has_authenticated: 0 or 1. Determines whether the user has ever successfully signed into our desktop client. This does not state when the user launched or installed the desktop client, only if the user ever has installed the desktop client. Used for internal statistics as well as allowing us to reach out to newly created accounts and ask them if they need any help.
has_connected: 0 or 1. Determines whether the user has ever successfully connected to our VPN servers. This does not state when or how the user connected; only if the user ever has connected. Used for internal statistics as well as to reach out to new users who may be having problems connecting.
has_ipv6: 0 or 1. Users can decide themselves whether they want to be assigned an IPv6 address during the VPN connections.
compression: 0 or 1. Users can decide themselves whether they want to enable compression OpenVPN.
streaming: 0 or 1. Users can decide themselves whether they want to enable our circumvention measures to ensure streaming services work properly.
language: the language that our website, newsletters, receipts and support should be communicated in.
currency: the preferred currency set on our website.
country: country of origin of the user when first signed up. The IP address is not stored — Only the country of origin the IP address belongs to. Country is stored so we can follow accounting laws (ie, which VAT we need to charge).
devices: the number of connected devices the user currently has. This is stored as a value of 0-4, where it is increased by 1 when a user connects, and decreased by 1 when a user disconnects. This is in no way connected to a specific device, and we never store any other identifiable information about the device or user, such as MAC address or IP address.
campaign: if the user is referred via one of our ad channels. Used for internal statistics.
subscription: expiration date of the subscription.
ipv4: expiration date of the Public IPv4 add-on.
multihop: expiration date of the Multihop add-on.
client_version: the version of the OVPN client the user is using.
extension_version: the version of the OVPN browser extension the user is using.
OVPN can not share information regarding where, how and when users use OVPN since that information does not exist. Furthermore, we do not require an e-mail addresses when signing up.
If a user wishes to delete any information we have about them, that user can contact us. If the user has an active subscription, any remaining subscription time will also be removed.
Users have the right to request, at any time, that their personal is either corrected or deleted. Users also have the right to request a copy of their personal data. If a user wishes to change, delete or receive a copy of their personal data, please contact our support. Requests may take up to a month to handle as this process is handled manually.
Do note that we are not able to provide users with payment data as that is not stored by us.