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Install OpenVPN on GL-iNet router

This guide is also available in English, Svenska og Deutsch

Last updated: 10. januar 2023

1. Last ned konfigurasjonen du ønsker

2. Configure OpenVPN

Naviger til VPN → OpenVPN Client

Click on +Add a new OpenVPN Configuration

A new window will appear. Click-and-drag the configuration file you downloaded in the previous step into the window, or click in the window and select the file manually.

Once you have uploaded the configuration file, three new fields will appear. Enter a Description of the connection, as well as your OVPN Username and Password.

User Name
(skriv inn OVPN-brukernavnet ditt)
(skriv inn OVPN-passordet ditt)

Click on Submit

Bruk OVPN hvis sikkerhet er viktig

Ditt personvern og din sikkerhet er hovedfokus i OVPN. Derfor har vi implementert en flerlags sikkerhetsmodell.

Learn more

3. Change DNS servers

Naviger til More settings → Custom DNS Server

Make sure DNS Rebinding Attack Protection is enabled

Make sure Override DNS Settings for All Clients is enabled

Make sure DNS over TLS (CloudFlare or NextDNS) is disabled

Make sure Dnscrypt-Proxy Settings is disabled

Make sure Manual DNS Server Settings is enabled

In the DNS1 Server1 and DNS Server2 fields, enter the following information:


Click on Apply

4. Koble til OVPN

Naviger til VPN → OpenVPN Client

To connect, select the OpenVPN profile you configured in step 2 and click Connect

If everything went well, an IP address should appear in the IP Address field, and the status of the OpenVPN Client should turn green.

5. Kontroller at tilkoblingen var vellykket

Du bør nå være koblet til OVPN og kunne surfe trygt på Internett. For å sikre at alt ble riktig konfigurert, vennligst sjekk dashbordet for å bekrefte at du er tilkoblet.