Hindre hackere og myndigheter fra å overvåke dine online aktiviteter. OVPN sørger for at du kan surfe anonymt, trygt og raskt. Vår sterke fysiske sikkerhet sammen med vår solide programvaresikkerhet lar oss garantere en helt loggfri VPN-tjeneste.
Vi tror alle har rett til å leve et liv uten å bli konstant overvåket. Det er her VPN-tjenester kommer inn i bildet.
OVPN har kjempet i retten i to måneder mot et krav om å utlvere informasjon. OVPN gikk seirende ut på grunn av vår policy om ingen loggføring.
Vi har en forsikring som dekker juridiske utgifter. OVPN har aldri gitt noen informasjon om våre kunder til en tredjepart.
All maskinvaren som brukes til å drive OVPN eies av oss. Alle VPN-servere opererer uten harddisker, siden operativsystemet bare ligger i RAM-minnet.
Ingen leide servere, ingen virtuelle maskiner. Bare ren og ekte maskinvare som vi enten har sendt eller installert selv. Nevnte vi ingen harddisker?
Månedlige åpenhetsrapporter har blitt publisert siden 2014, med detaljer om serverstatistikk og informasjonsforespørsler.
Selskapet som driver OVPN er etablert i Sverige og heter "OVPN Integritet AB". Integritet betyr personvern på svensk. Så inngrodd er vårt personvernfokus.
Lei av å snakke med kundestøtterepresentanter som har mindre teknisk kunnskapsrik enn deg? Det er vi også. Det er derfor vår kundeservice består av bare L2-personell.
De vil være i stand til å assistere deg med alle mulige problemer. Kom igjen - send dem et vanskelig konfigurasjonsspørsmål og bli forbløffet.
På grunn av de høye sikkerhetskravene våre, har vi ikke servere på alle mulige steder. Vi prioriterer: Kvalitet fremfor kvantitet og markedsføring. Og la oss være ærlige - trenger du virkelig VPN-servere i 150 land?
OVPN: unblocks en myriade av streamingtjenester på tvers av våre VPN-servere. Enkel, rask og høykvalitets streaming.
Telefon, datamaskin, server, ruter - uansett hvilke enheter du bruker eller hvor du er - et enkelt OVPN-abonnement passer på deg.
Se alle apperOVPN tilbyr også to separate tillegg, Multihop og Offentlig IPv4.
Enheter som kobler til vår standardtjeneste tildeles en delt IP-adresse. Public IPv4-tillegget tildeler deg en statisk offentlig IPv4-adresse i stedet.
Multihop-tillegget dirigerer trafikken din gjennom to av våre datasentre.
I am impressed with OVPN's functionality, ease of setup, and fair pricing. It works automatically, and I feel much more comfortable operating my online freelance business now. I am also a part-time student, and using a VPN on my campus network also gives me great peace of mind.
Very good and intuitive client software and administration in general. Wireguard support is a must for me... I've tried many others like ipvanish, protonvpn, nordvpn, etc .... but my ISP keeps blocking their servers (in Germany, not China!) - OVPN is the only VPN service working always.
After testing numerous VPN software and hardware for whole-home privacy, the combination of Vilfo (developed by OVPN) and an OVPN connection provides the best performance I’ve found. This combination enables you to create multiple simultaneous VPN connections, and group devices to use the connection you prefer. OVPN is simply in a league of their own, out front.
Super simple, super secure, super support service. I find much value for OVPN. I can use whatever open vpn client i want or their own distributed. I can select which server to connect to and select the country. The connection never drops and the speed is the same as direct connection.
Full stealth, nice Windows app, interesting options to add services if you like. No hard disk storage and no logs of any kind. Maybe foremost a superb customer service and generosity. The only choice for me after testing a variety of VPN services.
Select the VPN plan that works best for you.
OVPN supports both OpenVPN and Wireguard protocols, which provide high levels of security. For OpenVPN, AES-256-GCM is used as the encryption cipher behind a 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman key in order to encrypt the data traffic. WireGuard uses Curve25519 and ChaCha20 to encrypt the data traffic. Furthermore, we guarantee that no logs are stored on our servers.
In addition to high levels of technical security, we also provide a high level of physical security to protect you in the event of a physical attack. Our servers are run without hard drives, USB devices, or CDs. In other words, there’s no media connected to the server where logs can be stored.
We use static analysis of the website’s source code in order to find potential vulnerabilities. We also encourage responsible disclosure of potential vulnerabilities from our users, by rewarding those who find them.
Finally, we operate our own log-free DNS servers to prevent DNS leaks. You can permanently replace your current DNS servers with ours on your computer to make sure your ISP can’t get any information about you.
Yes, you can open up to seven ports. Once you’ve created an OVPN account, navigate to the Settings page and click on Port Forwarding. When you open a port, you can choose if it should be a TCP, UDP, or TCP and UDP ports. Do note that you can only open a port between 49152 and 65535. If you need to use a port under 49152 you will need to purchase the Public IPv4 add-on.
If your router supports AsusWrt, DD-WRT, OpenWrt, Tomato, EdgeOS, then it is compatible with OVPN. We also support both Vilfo and GL.iNet routers.
Yes! With WireGuard enabled, you'll connect using the WireGuard VPN protocol instead of OpenVPN. WireGuard generally offers increased connection speed, higher bandwidth, and lower latency than OpenVPN.
Yes. When you are connected to OVPN, you get a new IP address. We have thousands of IPv4 addresses. OVPN is also one of few VPN providers supporting IPv6 natively. We have billions of IPv6 addresses, making sure that you will never receive the same IP address if you choose to use IPv6.
Yes. The Multihop add-on routes your traffic through two data centers, adding another step to the encryption process.